

Source: Adaptive Resources
Q-MAST is a powerful modeling and simulation tool that enables a control engineer, using historical plant data, to create process models and predict process behavior.
Q-MAST is a powerful modeling and simulation tool that enables a control engineer, using historical plant data, to create process models and predict process behavior.

With these models you can identify:

  • Process Gains
  • Process Response
  • Process Deadtimes
  • Effect of disturbance variables on your process
Q-MAST uses the latest Windows NT technology to provide an easy point-and-click interface to Modeling. The advanced graphing capabilities of Q-MAST provide a powerful visual interface for process analysis, modeling and simulation.

Q-MAST provides graphical plots of:

  • Process Variables
  • Model Goodness
  • Step Response
  • Simulation
The Plot interface includes zooming, panning, printing, exporting to bitmap and jpeg image formats, cursor values and markers.

The information that you gain from Q-MAST will enable you to tune your plant's PID controls and use the QuickStudy - Adaptive Process Controller to achieve:

  • Tighter control / reduced variability
  • Higher Quality
  • Increased product throughput
  • Lower Manufacturing costs / increased profits

Adaptive Resources, P. O. Box 62245, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Tel: 724-746-4969; Fax: 724-746-9260.