PMC Module
Source: SBS Technologies, Modular I/O
A PMC module, designated the PMC-Octal Pro, is designed for use as a high-density, serial-channel solution
A PMC module, designated the PMC-Octal Pro, is designed for use as a high-density, serial-channel solution for VME and CompactPCI boards with PMC sites. It provides eight channels of asynchronous RS232/422 serial channels and features two Quad UART SCCs with a 128K buffer. The module supports up to 115.2 kbaud for RS232 and up to 460.8 kbaud for RS422. Baud rate software is configurable from 50 bps to 460.8 kbps.
SBS Technologies, Inc., 181 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Phone: 650-327-1200; FAX: 650-327-3808.
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