
MAX - Customer Relationship Management

Sales Manager

  • Sales Manager
  • Product Configurator
  • Sales Order Processing
  • Advanced Shipping
  • Kewill.Ship for Windows

Sales Manager - Integrated contact/quotation/estimate management system.
Product Configurator - Be more flexible and responsive to customers who require customization.

Sales Order Processing - Enter sales orders, ship/invoice product and satisfy customer inquiries easily.

Advanced Shipping - Streamlines the process associated with allocating, picking and shipping orders.

Kewill.Ship for Windows - CLD-enabled (carton level detail), Windows-based multi-carrier shipping system.

Kewill ERP, Inc., 1065 East Hillsdale Boulevard, Suite 114, Foster City, CA 94404. Tel: 650-345-6000; Fax: 650-345-3079.