
Document Control and Viewing Application

Source: CAD/CAM Integration, Inc.
JobView is a database driven document control and viewing application...
JobView is a database driven document control and viewing application. It provides for virtual creation of "File Cabinets" for the storage and control of documents such as drawings, process sheets, tooling sheets, etc. These documents can be virtually any format.

JobView documents are ISO9000 compliant. Documents histories are maintained in a database and reports can be output in 22 different formats.

JobView displays these documents in logical "Packets" using Native Viewers, Applications or in Web Browsers. N/C Files contained in these "Packets" can be viewed and can also be queued to machine tools directly from within the "Packet".

CAD/CAM Integration, Inc., 76 Winn Street, Woburn, MA 01945. Tel: 781-933-9500; Fax: 781-933-9238.